Nepal and Chad join the Global Network of the WFFA

The World Freestyle Football Association is pleased to announce the incorporation of two new countries into its Global Network, now spanning 119 countries: Nepal, in the Asia-Pacific region, and Chad, in the African region, have become its latest members!

Following the best traditions of the WFFA, two respected local freestylers have been named new Country Leaders of both nations, namely Abderamane ‘Akafe’ Annour in the case of Chad and Anish Shrestha in the case of Nepal. Their talent and expertise will now help guide their respective local communities, supporting their growth and development.

Pekko ‘PeGe’ Piirto, Head of the Global Network, said: “We are thrilled to incorporate two fantastic national communities into the most precious structure of the WFFA – the Global Network. We know both Anish and Akafe will do a magnificent job, and we’re really excited to start working with them to support their local freestylers!”.

Anish Shrestha, the new Country Leader in Nepal, added: “I am honoured to take on such a responsibility. I have been helping the local community for several years now, and I feel working with the WFFA will greatly boost our organisational capabilities. I can’t wait to start!”.

Abderamane ‘Akafe’ Annour, the newly named Country Leader in Chad, declared: “It is an honour and a great privilege for me to assume this duty. I have been working for years to build a Freestyle Football community in my country; now, thanks to the official inclusion into the WFFA, we will get not just organisational notoriety to develop the sport, but also a great echo throughout my country to create fair and competitive tournaments”.

The task to build and consolidate the Global Network doesn’t end here, with many countries working on expanding and upscaling their current local structure. The Freestyle Football community can expect more exciting updates very soon!

Stay tuned to the official channels of the WFFA to follow the latest updates!
