Jesse Marlet

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  2. Jesse Marlet

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Ghetto Football Ámsterdam 2022

skatepark A8RNA Beatrixstraat 29, Koog aan de Zaan, Netherlands

El Campeonato Holandés de Fútbol Freestyle 2022 tendrá lugar en el 'skatepark' A8RNA de la ciudad de...

Garcia International Football Freestyle Festival

Centraal Punt Grote Haarsekade 120, Gorinchem, South Holland, Netherlands

Between August 20th and 21st, the Garcia Voetbalschool organises the Garcia International Football Freestyle Festival, an event for all ages and nationalities that will take place at the Centraal Punt in Gorinchem (Netherlands).

International Freestyle Football Cup 2023

Mehrzweckhalle Kornstraße 46, Horgenzell, Baden-Württemberg

The third edition of the International Freestyle Football Cup will take place on October 7th, 2023 starting at 14h CET at the Mehrzweckhalle, located in the city of Horgenzell in Germany.

